How it works?

1. Join

In order to start using the Rower Gminny System, You have to register and make the initial payment.
You may do this by means of the internet website, through the mobile application or directly via the terminal.
If you wish to register via terminal, press the REGISTER button on the screen and follow the instructions which appear on it.
Via Text message sent to the indicated phone number and within an email message you will obtain a PIN number, which is necessary to use the Rower Gminny System. Also remember to confirm your registration by clicking on the activation link which you will receive by e-mail.

2. Rent

By means of terminal: Press RENTAL/RETURN and follow the instructions displayed.
By means of mobile application: Scan QR code on the bike or enter bike number and select RENT A BIKE. The bike will be automatically released.

3. Return a bike

The bike is returned by blocking the O-lock.

Europejskie Fundusze
Europejskie Fundusze Program Regionalny
Rzeczpospolita Polska

Zrealizowano w ramach projektu : "Ochrona cennych przyrodniczo terenów Gór i Pogórza Kaczawskiego poprzez budowę alternatywnych ścieżek i tras rowerowych" współfinansowanego ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego w ramach Regionalnego Programu Operacyjnego Województwa Dolnośląskiego na lata 2014-2020

Contact with us

complaint and requests
